It's a fact that most of the business that is conducted today is the direct result of network marketing efforts. Most people have to see a product or service advertisement seven times before they will buy, but are more likely to purchase much sooner if a friend, family member, colleague, or some person of influence refers them to that product or service.
It's the fear factor that drives most small business people away from networking.
Public speaking is the issue I'm going to discuss today, and I make it really rather simple. If I can do it anyone can. Practice the steps listed below.
1. You are a professional and what do professionals do? They study and they practice their craft. So step one is the most important, practice at every free moment of the day. Practice to where you have it down without even thinking about it, until it becomes natural.
2. Get plenty of rest prior to an event and have your materials already prepared no later then the night before.
3. While on the way to an event, you need to do 2 things. You need to relax and start getting motivated. To steal a line from Happy Gilmore, "go to your happy place".
Now here's the real secret. How to network without rejection. Well you first have to realize that your not there to sell everyone in the room. In fact your not there to sell anyone at all. The purpose of networking is seeing how you can help others and they, in turn, can help you. Now if you get a client out of this then great, but it's not the objective. Now knowing that your not there to sell anyone, then no one can reject you. Follow the instruction below to develop your own 30-second spiel.
1. Hello my name is (your name) and I'm with (your company name)
2. This is important! Do not simply say the type of business you are in. Instead you want to create a 1 to 2-sentence statement of what your business does. Example "We help families create wonderful summer memories while staying cool and refreshed."
3. Tell them 1 or 2 important facts or typical hot buttons your clients will have.
4. Well the only thing left is to tell them who makes the perfect client for you and in a rejection free statement if they know anyone to please have them contact you. Remember you are there not to sell them, but to find those that can help you to find more leads and you are there to help them.
5. Try to keep it to no more than 30 seconds.
Now you have the tools to be able to network without rejection and without fear.
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