Thursday, February 10, 2011

Three Best Real Estate Marketing Tools In The World

Wow! Some real estate agents pay $300.00-$400.00 per month for leads.

Is there a cheaper, yet equally effective way to get leads to grow your business?

Absolutely, but how do you find them?

Below are three simple, but proven real estate marketing tools and strategies that'll get you securing more leads than you'll be able to handle. In fact, you could end up with so many you'll start your own "Team Dynamo".

Build A List

The name of the real estate marketing game nowadays is capturing the names and email addresses of everybody you meet to develop your own list of responsive buyers and sellers.

Why? Because with email addresses you can market to folk on your mailing list until the cows come home...and for next to nothing.

Regular postage is .41 cents a letter, sending the same letter via email is free. If you mail 500 letters it would cost $205.00 in postage, plus the cost of printing, paper and envelopes. You could easily be out of $225.00 - $250.00 for so for just one mailing.

Now, contrast that with emailing the same list of folk, no postage, paper or envelopes required.

Total cost? Nothing.

Hopefully the point is understood. While there are certainly times and places for direct mail campaigns, so too are there for email marketing campaigns.

But list building is a slow process and typically doesn't result in quick sales. Instead, know that as you acquire names over a period of months, then years, you'll have long-term prospects that'll come to trust you and your opinions and seek you out when they're ready to make real estate transactions.
Currently I am using a software program that sends a weekly email to my clients and business partners. All I need to do is add a new name, email address and which campaign I want them to be in. From that point on they are getting a weekly, or what ever timeframe you want, emails with useful information and a request for referrals with a one click button at the bottom of the email. It also includes birthdays and holidays. I even co-brand with my referral partners with their picture and information on every email for clients they referred to me. So we BOTH get our name in front of past clients and asking for referrals constantly. An added benefit I provide to all my referral partners.

Real Estate Marketing Reports

The buzz on the Internet is all about content marketing. The premise is that Internet surfers are looking for information, and are not necessarily looking for you and/or otherwise interested in what you have to sell.

Instead, they are wanting and seeking information to help guide them in their quests to buy and sell real estate. No wonder the most successful lead generating web sites are those that offer an abundance and diversity of information.

There's an old saying that goes "he who gives shall receive" and it is as true today as ever.

Agents who give away information, like information found in pre-written real estate marketing reports, are rewarded by prospects eagerly exchanging their email addresses for the information contained in the reports.

And the outcome? Prospects will continue to come back to you again and again until they're ready to buy or sell real estate. And guess who'll be there ready and able to help them?

Multiple Streams of Leads

Perhaps the best advice I can give anybody is this; do not put all of your leads in one basket. Instead, diversify your lead generating strategies for more listings and sales.

Leads and listings can be gotten via nearly every way imaginable, including but not limited to direct mail campaigns, real estate marketing flyers, post card marketing, networking, buyer and seller seminars, FSBO, etc.

While each approach offers its unique advantages and disadvantages they all work.


There you have it, three real estate marketing tools and strategies that can push your marketing success to new heights.

Get started today with either one, or all of these to increase your income. For more information about the email marketing campaign I use or if you would like me to add you clients to a joint campaign for free, just contact me.

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