The Baby Boomers are a well-known demographic that is moving into retirement, but real estate agents should also pay attention to the Boomer’s younger sibling, “Generation Jones” as named by historian Jonathan Pontell. Generation Jones is the demographic born between 1954 and 1965 and now comprising 25% of the U.S. population. Their roots are definitely practical, but their branches keep reaching for the sky. A balanced approach that meets both these needs is what is best to attract Jones’ formidable real estate buying power.
The Baby Boomers are the demographic of people born just post-World War II, from the 1940s to the 1960s. America was “booming” in postwar prosperity and in population. Generation Jones is the younger generation, those born in the latter half of what is known as the “Boomer years”. The term “keeping up with the Joneses” comes from this generation. They grew up with the advent of technology and in the midst of the spirit of social change. They are technologically savvy, being the first of the generations to grow up with television in the background. They want the better life that The American Dream promises, but many have yet to see that materialize.
Generation Jones is seeing retirement on the horizon, but many of them have children at home still and no plans to actually stop working. While they might retire from their jobs in the next 10-20 years, they have a lot to do right now. Many of them are looking at working beyond retirement. This may be the last larger home they purchase before they start downsizing once the last child leaves the nest.
Your real estate selling strategy has to combine genuine value with innovation to appeal to this generation’s appreciation of material goods and services. “Green” appliances and features appeal to them because they want to produce a better world while still enjoying the conveniences of today’s inventions. They want open design concepts and a flexible living space. They appreciate the tried-and-true classics, but if there’s something out there that’s better then they’re all for it.
Despite this openness to technological innovation, though, Jones can be emotionally attracted by appeals to nostalgia. Tasteful references to the 70s and the 80s – in color, design and popular culture can capture their interest. There are a number of fan sites for “retro renovation” of mid- and late-century homes and rooms. By offering information on modern renovations for retro homes, you could be in a good position to attract Generation Jones.
One thing about Generation Jones to avoid is the “B.S. Detector”. Having been a generation bombarded by ads since before they could toddle, Jones people are adept at seeing exaggerated claims and outright lies in a sales pitch. When something looks too good to be true, Generation Jones people are sure it’s not and will go the extra mile to prove their suspicions right. Be honest. If the roof is about to slide into the garden, say so.
The value of a home as a center, not just for family and financial stability, but for one’s hobbies and aspirations is a good point to take with Generation Jones. They are old enough to know that you can’t have it all, but young enough in our culture to know you can have what you’re willing to reach for. If you can lure someone from Generation Jones with genuine value while appealing to their sense of aesthetics, you are in a good position to make a sale
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